Panta rhei
Panta rhei – “everything flows”. This old quotation from the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus stands for the principle, the Institute of Hydraulic Fluid Machinery (HFM) particularly feels committed to as it applies as much to pumps and turbines as to converters, fans and compressors as well as especially to fittings and to the interaction of machines with branched distribution pipeline systems. Our Institute works on and covers this complete wide range of activities.
However, Panta rhei – „everything is ever-changing“– also means that everything and every being must constantly adapt to changing boundary conditions and circumstances. In this respect, too, we feel obliged to this principle as:
- We concentrate on our field of expertise – Hydraulic Fluid Machinery – whereas we also support and promote “never-ending creation and change”.
- We are the only institute of its kind that processes the complete value-added chain, from clients requests such as technical requirements, performance and the ease of market access through basic research to application-oriented product development up to its industrial implementation.
Every practitioner knows that machines may not be considered as isolated devices but rather as part of a plant in which every single component more or less influences the other ones. Thus, only a comprehensive view of the total system can provide optimum solutions, both in terms of technology and economy.
Moreover, Panta rhei can be considered as the appropriate mission statement for our Institute as our focus lies not only on the processing of the complete value-added chain but also on new paths in teaching. For us, the students of our university are customers just as our industrial clients.
Furthermore, we took the lead in the establishment of extra-occupational distance learning study courses. The university study programme “Master of engineering – hydro power” as well as the study course “Pump engineer” offer in-depth insight and training by renowned experts with expertise in the fields of hydro power and pumps.
And, last but not least, our regular series of practitioners‘ conferences has to be mentioned: "Pumpen in der Verfahrens- und Kraftwerkstechnik" (Pumps in process and power plant technology) and "Wasserkraft, Turbinen und Systeme" (Water power, turbines and systems), which have over many years developed into the most important branch events throughout the entire German-speaking region.
We know: Panta rhei also stand for the principle followed by our industrial partners in the fields of manufacturing, operating and process engineering. Let us, the Institute of Hydraulic Fluid Machinery, be your reliable and competent partner in this eternal process of "creation and change".
Head of the Institute

Retired Head of the Institute

General information:
Institute of Hydraulic Fluid Machinery (HFM)