Computational fluid dynamics (3D-CFD) for valves / fittings

Numerical flow simulation using spherical valves, butterfly valves and valve for power plants, have been studied and designed. Through a variety of measurements and calculations, the issues for different manufacturers and operators will be answered profound and contribute substantially to the solution.

Because the Institute of Hydraulic Machinery features a test rig also comparative research between the results of Computational fluid dynamics (3D-CFD) and experiments can performed for further indeep insights or verification of the numeric simulation results. We also perform acceptance tests according to IEC / ISO standards.



Figures: Computational fluid dynamics (3D-CFD) for valves / fittings

Computational fluid dynamics (3D-CFD) for valves / fittings
Computational fluid dynamics (3D-CFD) for valves / fittings
Computational fluid dynamics (3D-CFD) for valves / fittings
Computational fluid dynamics (3D-CFD) for valves / fittings


Peter Meusburger

Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-techn.

+43 316 873 7570


Prof. Helmut Jaberg - Head of the institute HFM

Helmut Jaberg

O.Univ.-Prof. em. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-techn.

+43 316 873 7570


Mr. Helmut Benigni

Assoc. Univ.-Prof.      DI Dr. techn.

+43 316 873 7578