Bachelor thesises
A selection of experimental, numerical and economic topics is available at the institute. In addition to the topics listed below, there are additional topics for your bachelor thesis - please ask us! We are also happy to take over the supervision of your work if you already have a topic and there is a correspondence with the thematic focus of our institute.
If you are interested, please contact the appropriate assistants or contact our secretariat.
10.02.2023 |
Messtechnische Betrachtung von Kreiselpumpen in der Hauptkläranlage Graz Start of work: immediately |
Definition von Abwasser in Kläranlagen Start of work: immediately |
Pumpeneffizienz – Grenzen von Abwasser- und Standardkreiselpumpen Start of work: immediately |

For further topics / bachelor theses, please contact the appropriate assistant or contact our secretariat.

Jeannine Siebenbrunner
+43 316 873 7571